Social Sharing
20 October 2015

The ALF helps enable outdoor access for former Royal Logistic Corps soldier

Article by Ryan Brown

The Aaron Lewis Foundation has helped with the purchase of a lightweight wheelchair and handbike for a former Royal Logistics Corps soldier from Arbroath, Scotland.

Neil Robertson, who was paralysed following an accident in 1998, became know to the Foundation after attending a Blesma Activities Week that was led by ALF Trustee, Steve Fraser.  During the week, Neil mentioned that he was trying to purchase a Quickie Helium wheelchair and hanbike to allow him to get back out and about, but admitted he was struggling to find the funds to complete the purchase. Having seen the huge lift in Neil’s spirits when challenging himself on the Blesma Activities Week, Steve approached the ALF Trustees to secure the additional funds for Neil.

Neil’s own words sum up perfectly why we are so grateful to everyone who supports the Foundation:

“This has really improved my life 10 fold. I managed 13 miles today – it has changed my life. I would like you to send this photo on to the parents of Aaron Lewis and give them my thanks.”