Social Sharing
05 August 2023


Article by Julia Harvey

The Aaron Lewis Foundation has funded a specialist high-chair for Willow so she can eat meals and partake in activities safely at home.

Willow’s case was referred to the ALF by Brian Jones (father of ALF Trustee Simon) through his connection with the Scouts in Essex. Willow’s Mum Sam is a local Scout Leader and explained to Brian how hard it is for the family and carers to get Willow to sit properly for meals in a normal chair.  

After getting Occupational Therapy input to the request and quotes, funding was released and the chair was ‘officially’ presented to Willow at the recent ALF rugby 10s event in Essex. Following the presentation, Willow’s Mum wrote to the Trustees to state “Willow has just had her first tea time in her new chair, and she looked so much more comfortable in it. There just aren’t enough words to express how grateful we are, it really is the little things that make such a big difference to a family like ours. We will think of your kindness and generosity every time we sit down to eat.”