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31 October 2022

ALF awards grants to help cost of 4×4 wheelchair

Article by Ryan Brown

The Aaron Lewis Foundation, alongside another private donor, has awarded a grant to help towards the cost of a 4 x 4 wheelchair.

ALF has supported Paul Morris, who was left paralyzed after damage to his neck and spinal cord in 2019, to access an Extreme X8 Powered Wheelchair. 

Paul said: “Having broken my neck and damaged my spinal cord in 2019, I was sadly left paralyzed with just limited use of my arms. My life has been extremely restricted ever since and I missed going to the off the track places I loved so much before the accident, such as the beaches and local moorland in Cornwall. What I needed was a 4 x 4 wheelchair that would get me back to these places and allow me to start to feel free again. I was contacted by the Aaron Lewis Foundation who offered a grant towards the cost of the new chair which allowed us to buy one. Having just taken possession of the new chair and taken it out on the beach and a couple of rough tracks it has already made a huge difference and I can finally re-discover the places I used to love, it’s a real game changer. I really can’t thank everyone at the ALF enough for being so extremely generous to help me get back on track once again.”