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01 October 2018

Abbey’s Story

Article by Ryan Brown

In July 2018, I left Gatwick airport to embark on a four-week expedition to Kenya where I volunteered with Camps International with the intention of bettering the lives of the local people and learning about their culture in the process. The Aaron Lewis Foundation generously funded almost half of the cost of the trip so I would like to thank them for enabling me to experience such a personal and life-changing experience.

While in Kenya, I was awakened to the dramatic difference in their lifestyle compared to my own, but even more surprised by the contentment they all have. I was so inspired by the consistent optimism of the locals, despite their lack of material possessions, that I was able to return home a humbler and more opportunistic person. I loved every second of my time in Kenya, even when I was having ice cold showers or slashing grass in thirty-degree heat. All of the hard work was worth it to be able to meet the individuals that these acts would directly affect.

As well as contributing to the refurbishment of a local school, I also played a role in the construction of a new house for an elderly man who lived close to one of the camps we stayed in. His old home barely had walls and no roof; he had been sleeping on a piece of foam on the floor for two years and I feel privileged to have been able to help him.

Visiting Kenya and learning about the culture for a month was an eye-opening experience and one that I am so grateful to have had. Not only have I come back more content with life but also a greater appreciation for the efforts these people have to put in just for basic necessities that we (in the UK) can obtain at the click of our fingers.

Thank you ALF for being a part of this experience and for inspiring me to seek discomfort to receive the best rewards.


Abbey, age 18, is currently studying for a degree in Mathematics at the University of Leicester having achieved A*AAAB in her A Levels this summer.