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15 June 2024

Annual ALF 10s Rugby Tournament was a ‘storming’ success

Article by Julia Harvey

Despite monsoon-like conditions, the annual ALF 10s Rugby tournament was another triumphant celebration of Aaron’s life and his love of rugby. Sadly, the foul weather impacted team and
supporter numbers but the tenacity and spirit of those we attended more than made up for this.

Events commenced promptly with the traditional 25 pounder firing followed by a minute’s silence and then blustery battle commenced with music, food and all manner of stalls as the backdrop.
With a rapidly revised fixture list and team player shortages, the organisers and captains worked together brilliantly to deliver a day of challenging but high-quality rugby.

Victory in the men’s tournament ultimately went to the Jägerbombers from the Netherlands and we were honoured to have Mark Francois MP present the trophy. The T-Birds won in the female event and we welcomed back 4-time World Record holder Lexi Chambers to present their trophy.

As has become a tradition in recent years, the Trustees were also able to announce a beneficiary on the day and a rugby wheelchair was handed over to Royal Navy veteran Gordon from Cornwall. Another wonderful day made possible as always by the ALF volunteers and supporters.